Saturday, August 29, 2009

Weekend Love...

What a weekend!

The fiance has been out of town for the weekend (He returns tomorrow evening - praise God! I don't know how much longer I can take his absence!), so I decided to take full advantage of this weekend and fill it with all things girly! It was a blast!

From manicures and pedicures, bridal fittings with my maids, dinner with the ladies, and an ultimate chick-flick to lazy beach mornings basking in the sun and shopping till I dropped (or more accurately put - till my bank account was nearly emptied). I have to say it was quite the weekend. I am, however, ready to have my dear Brenton back - absence truly makes the heart grow fonder.

I have yet to mention this through the blog - but to add to the hectic events that have consumed my recent life, I'm leaving Tuesday for a 12 day trip to Israel! I am beyond excited! It truly is the biggest blessing that I get to go on this trip. To give a little background - my church is taking a group of people to Israel to walk all the major places Jesus walked. Brenton was asked a few months back to go on the trip as the group's worship leader. Just as green with envy as I could have possibly been, I began to beg God to somehow provide a way for me to go along. I had 3 days till the $$ deadline and still, no way to afford the trip, so I decided to fast and pray for a day about the matter. The day of fasting came to an end and the deadline had passed and there I was - no way to go to Israel. A few weeks later - our house sold and my family began to throw the idea around of going to Israel as one last big family trip. To my surprise (and great excitement), we were able to jump through some hoops and now, here I am - just 3 days away from stepping foot on Jesus' turf - WITH MY FIANCE! :) I'm seriously still blown away by God's goodness and His graciousness - He never ceases to amaze me.

With all the wedding planning, I haven't had much time to prepare for the trip, however, I feel like God has quietly been pruning my heart and preparing me for the things He has for me there. I've been in such a vulnerable place lately with some things that have been going on around me - it's been so sweet to see God pour His comfort over me and shower me with His blessings as tokens of His love. I don't deserve my God or His salvation, but He so gently continues to care for me and love on me regardless of how unworthy I may be. No matter where you are in life, what you're going through, what you've gained or what you've lost - He is the one thing that matters from here through eternity, and He wants to shower you with His love. So love Him back with all of your heart - He won't disappoint. :)

Much love,


1 comment:

Blasé said...

This "Jesus" you refer to....are you speaking of the Mexican that trims my hedges, or the other guy?