Despite the long, grueling hours of travel, unfamiliar foods, lack of working hair dryers, intense desert heat and the full days of touring site after site - my heart feels as if it's had the ultimate awakening and rejuvenation. To stand on the mountains Jesus once stood on and to see the sights He probably saw was nothing short of amazing, my Bible reading has gone from fuzzy, black and white to High Definition and extreme color in a matter of days! It's real - it's all real....that's the only thing I can tell you. From the Sea of Galilee and the Valley of Armageddon, Nazareth and Bethlehem, the Jordan River to the Dead Sea, the Mt. of Olives to the Via Dolorosa - it's all there! It truly exists!
I'd have to say a few of my most memorable moments were traveling across the Sea of Galilee on a replica similar to the boats Jesus and His disciples would have traveled on, walking through the ruins of Capernaum where Jesus once lived, being baptized in the Jordan River, floating in the Dead Sea, traveling to a tented Bedouin dinner via camels, walking through the Holocaust Museum and tangibly seeing the heartbreaking history of God's chosen people, laying eyes on the Dead Sea Scrolls, leading worship with my fiance and praying for our future together amongst the olive trees in the Garden of Gethsemane, walking the Via Dolorosa where Jesus publicly carried the cross, and lastly - visiting the Garden Tomb Jesus may have very well been laid in for three days!
I've never seen so much rock and dirt in my life!! My first thought was - this is it? THIS is the Promised Land the Bible so sacredly talks about? But as we traveled from site to site and began to dig into the scriptures - it made sense. These people were and still are - the heart of God. This land is His and it reeks of spiritual warfare. They have no natural resources and the land is a desert, but they've worked so hard and have created beautiful orchards and crops and are abundant in beautiful, fresh food. As you travel through the winding roads and passes, you look out to see an array of crops that produce the most beautiful fruits and vegetables. These people are passionate about their country and they're hard workers - they've worked so hard to make it a fruitful land despite their lack of natural resources (oil, precious metals and gems, etc).
Our guide, Ido, was one of the most interesting people I've ever met. A Messianic Jew and archeologist, he was passionate and knowledgeable of his homeland. He displayed more passion for His God and His land in two weeks than most people in America will ever display in a lifetime. It's real to him. He understands He is a chosen race and He is living in a crazy era - one where God is preparing the land for His return. And as I mentioned before, spiritual warfare is almost overwhelming. The Jews vs. the Muslims - God vs. Satan. We spent a few days in Jerusalem visiting the Western Wall (the Wailing Wall), the Temple Mount (where the Temple once sat and where the third Temple will be rebuilt according to the book of Revelation, yet the Dome of the Rock currently resides) and the Dome of the Rock - all intense spiritual places. The Jews at the Western Wall passionately read through their books of prayers and maintain their religious rituals totally blind to the fact that the Messiah has already come and is returning once again very soon - a very strange experience standing amongst women who dedicate their lives to their rituals. Driving through the Muslim quarter was an entirely different experience - walking amongst Muslims who dedicate their lives to a god who doesn't exist and passionately fight to maintain control over the Temple Mount so they can keep their place of worship. These people live so closely to one another, yet hate one another so strongly and still - they're missing it all - Jesus is the One who came to save them and God is the One who will deliver them from other nations and return to save them.
Lastly, the Dome of the Rock and the Temple Mount - what a bizarre thing it was to stand so close to a stunning structure that represented so much evil. It made my stomach churn just being there, but a few short feet away from the building, stands the Eastern Wall - the Lions Gate where Christ will return! It's so amazing that so much spiritual tension is held in one concentrated place! You can't help but feel overwhelmed by it while standing on that mountain. Prior to visiting the Dome of the Rock, we were taken to a place that housed the makings of the items that will be displayed and used in the third Temple. I wasn't aware of this until we visited this location, but plans are already in the making for the third Temple and everything is being prepared - they've already reconstructed several of the items the Bible talks about in the first Temple and have done so according to the exact materials and measurements listed in the Bible. They are just waiting to have control of the Temple Mount again so that they may build the Temple where it belongs. It was so amazing to see the attire of the priests and the golden lamp stands and to smell the incense and myrrh they would be using - prophecy being fulfilled before our very eyes! Another amazing fact is that while standing near the Dome of the Rock, you notice that behind it there is plenty of space for the Third temple to be built AND it lines up perfectly with the Lions Gate! Ido seemed to think that someday they will build a wall between the Dome of the Rock and the empty space and will allow the Jews to rebuild the Temple there in an attempt of peace. Ironically, the area that the Temple could be rebuilt is located directly over the place they think the Holy of Holies was located! Talk about chilling! I couldn't believe I was standing on ground that prophecy was going to take place on!
I truly did leave my heart in Israel, I hope to return again someday soon. I loved the people, the land and the history. If you ever have a chance to visit, please do so - it'll change your life! It's real - all the things the Bible talks about are so real and prophecy is being fulfilled daily! God's stirring the heart of His people and is preparing His land for His return! "Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown." Revelation 3:10-11
Sorry this was so long, if you have a minute feel free to check out a few pics from the trip (I have two albums on Facebook if you'd like to see more :):
Oh my goodness Danya. I have no words. You put together a wonderful depiction of what you experienced in the Holy Land and reading your post only intensified my lifelong desire to go. I am so happy that you were able to experience all of that. Thank you for collaborating stories and pictures for us to read and see. I thoroughly enjoyed this post.
You are also wise beyond your years, Danya. I know you must hear that quite often. The way you write is so very inspiring and genuine. I love your passion for Jesus and love for His word. It really shines in your life and it is very encouraging.
Thank you so much for sharing and posting this. It really ministered to me in various ways.
I so long and desire to experience what you did and I pray that in the near future I will also be able to walk the roads that Jesus walked, experience the Mt. of Olives, Garden of Gethsemane, The Jordan River, Via Delorosa, Sea of Galilee etc etc. This is all so very intriguing to me. And to think that all of these places are tangible really excites me. Ahhh, I want to go so badly!
You're such an incredible person whom I feel very very honored to know (even if we've only ever hung out a handful of times). I love your heart and passion.
So, all that to say, AWESOME post and I love you.
p.s. THANK YOU so very much for the invitation to your wedding!! I was overjoyed when I received it and cannot wait to witness you as a stunning bride on your most special and sacred day.
Hi there! I came over from Amber's blog to read your post. It is an amazing description of the Holy Land and along with Amber, I so badly long to go! My parents are going in Feb. of 2010 and I cannot wait to hear their experiences! Thank you for sharing this on your blog!
Like you, I left my heart in Israel. We recently returned from spending 2 weeks there and your words capture my feelings exactly. I would love to befriend you on facebook and see the rest of your photos. My facebook name is Linda Smith Peters.
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