Saturday, July 25, 2009

I must continue...

Totally can't sleep I thought I'd put this time to good use, possibly relieve my brain from the many thoughts circling round and round.

Life never stops - change is always creeping around the corner and my heart easily finds itself left behind as I try to keep up with the fast pace of adjustment. Often, time is wasted as I backtrack trying to find the pieces of myself that have been strung along tattered streets. Calloused from the travels, and lightly bruised from the unexpected stops along the way - I retreat to regain strength. Creativity tries to fan a spark but can't seem to find the air necessary to birth more than a weak flicker. Beauty hides somewhere deep within and has great difficulty revealing itself, yet I'm determined to find it. Dreams have been put aside for all things logical, drowning in a sea of "responsibility" like a bag of bricks tossed overboard before it had the chance to reach it's intended destination. Yet somehow, through all the lurking, running, fanning and sinking - my grip remains tighter than ever as my frail fingers clutch ever-so tightly to the one hand that's worth holding. His light will pierce my darkness, His peace will heal my wounds, His spirit will ignite my fire, His breath will fill my lungs and His death will sustain my fragile life - for after all, He is the reason I must continue.

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