Thursday, July 30, 2009

Fond Memories & New Beginnings

As I pack up my life again, I'm combing through so many things that bring back such sweet memories of growing up. It's amazing how much stuff one accumulates over a life time. I've always felt my storage space was small, but now that I'm tearing it apart, I'm realizing how much I've had stowed away all along. I've come across some pretty funny things - things and photos that remind me of my childhood, my awkward tween years and my high school days. Good laughs have been had, I assure you.

While it's sad to leave my beautiful room (which I put so much time into decorating) and bathroom (maybe I'll have some pics to post soon), it's exciting to know that fresh things are ahead. Sure it's my parent's house and I knew I wouldn't be here forever (at least I had hoped I wouldn't), but something about coming back to visit a place that holds so many memories is just nostalgic. I know I'll be moving on to new things within the next few months - but the thought of coming back to visit my family in an unfamiliar home is less than exciting.

On the upside, I've cleaned out so much junk and rid myself of things I had no idea I had held onto. It's somewhat freeing. I'm looking forward to a fresh start for myself and my family - since we'll be free of a house and it's maintenance, we've decided to take this time and do some traveling together as a family one last time before my sister and I officially "grow up." I'm so excited about this! I've been dreaming of traveling since I was a kid, and here's my chance to finally do it! I know big changes are around the corner for myself, so this last bit of quality time with my family will be cherished. We aren't too sure exactly what our destinations will be, but at the moment Hawaii, Australia and New Zealand are on the table. Believe it or not, I don't have a passport - so that's on the top of my to do list as soon as we settle in the rental house next week. I've been to Canada and Mexico and at the time, neither required a passport to enter, so now I'm on a mission. How's that for a little update? (I'm getting better at this :)

Much love!


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