It's amazing how my last post "Current Events" is not so current anymore. I'm a terrible person - my blog lacks the attention it deserves.
Anyways, I have more news! (Somehow, there's always plenty of news to share.) After three months of a jobless stay in Nashville, TN - I have alas, moved back home (for several reasons I won't go into, but know that my stay in Nashville was nothing short of amazing. I learned so much, grew in ways I never imagined possible and made lots of new friends! :). Some have asked if this is permanent, others have asked if it's temporary - my answer: it's for now. There are plenty of other things in the works at the moment and my only comment to the adventures brewing is this: time will reveal all. :) Sorry to be so vague, but I'm dedicating the many things ahead to much prayer and consideration before I make anything "public."
In the mean time, my job hunt continues. I have to believe that God has something very specific reserved for me, considering it's been so long since I've had consistent work. We'll see, hopefully it'll reveal itself soon - this waiting is tough!
During my stay in Nashville, I was able to delve into my love for songwriting. I'm excited to announce that I have a handful of new songs to share with the world! :) I'm so looking forward to sharing with you soon!
My most current project: Preparation for the Wonderfully Made Conference 2009! It's coming sooo quickly, I can't believe it! For those who don't know, I am leading worship for the WM conference in Santa Barbra, CA on May 2nd. I'll also be spending some time in LA with my old roomie for a few days after the conference - sooo excited! :) I LOVE Cali! (Wish my b could join me, I'm sad he'll be all alone here in FL for the week.) Check out the new website, it's finally up and running: or check out their blog:
Okay, that'll have to do for now - I'm missing my beloved LOST!!! Hope all is well with my sweet blogging friends. Looking forward to sharing more of the adventures ahead with you!
Love and blessings,